Home--> Demos--> Thermodynamics--> d0028

Thermo Can Crush

This demo shows, quite dramatically, the power of atmospheric pressure. The basic idea is to reduce the pressureinside a thin-walled container and watch how atmospheric pressure crushes the container. A quick reduction in pressure is achieved by displacing the air inside the container with water vapor and then condensing the vapor, by reducing the container's temperature.An easy way to do this is to add a bit of liquid water to a soda canand then boil the water; as soon as steam comes out of the can, use atongue to grab the soda can, invert it, and dip the opened end of thecan in a cold bath (ice water work best, but room temperature water is good enough). All water vapor filling the container will condense in just a tiny drop reducing the pressure inside the can; the pressure imbalance will be enough to crush the can.
ID: d0028
Set up time:
3 min in class
ectrical outlet Components.

Table of Components

Qty. name location notes
1 Hot plate W106; South Counter Top, by sink;
1 camping burner Optional
1 shallow pan W106; South Wooden Shelves; U1-L1 to make the ice bath
1 tongue